Wednesday 31 March 2010

State of Play: Prototype

This was one of my Boxing Day purchases, and pleasingly it really hasn't dropped down in price since then.

I decided to start this after finishing God of War III, and the decision was informed more by needing an action-orientated counterpoint to FF XIII than any real similarities in gameplay.

I'm playing the X360 version but that has nothing to do with my immediate distaste to the visuals. That has more to do with coming straight from GoW III, which at its best is absolutely stunning. That's not to say Prototype looks bad but rather that you can see what the additional muscle of a first-party developer can achieve.

The game itself is a mixture of confusing narrative and the fun of freedom. The story is related as events that have already taken place, and added to this is the fact that the protagonist is suffering from amnesia.

The fun comes from your mutated nature which allows you to sprint at impossible speeds horizontally and vertically. Coupled to this is the ability to land from a great height without sustaining any damage whatsoever. In practice this means you can run up the sides of skyscrapers, and then leap from a dizzying height to the ground below. It's exhilarating and frightening (especially if you have vertigo problem as I do) in equal measure.

Of course, you don't have access to all these gene-bending abilities from the start. They're acquired as the story progresses and they're improved by means of earning upgrade points (this is one of the truly stupid aspects of the game so far). Points are earned by furthering the narrative which is accomplished by completing mandatory missions. Extra points can be collected by completing optional tasks focused on particular aspects of your powers such as movement or even killing.

Overall, this is all sounding very GTA-like and it's true. You have the runaround of New York with the ability to piss off civilians and military alike. The difference is that you have superpowers and can take on a tank with your fists instead of a rocket launcher.

I'm not sure how it'll all pan out but if I had the patience to see-off Dark Sector then I'm sure I can last the course with Prototype.


Bobsticle said...

You do have epic reserves of patience Nish.. I'm surprised you didn't go for inFamous instead though with your preference for PS3 exclusives..

It's a very similar super power open world a thon.

Nish said...

I didn't enjoy the Infamous demo, but just so happened to see it in Asda the other day. It was £10 but with no inlay or case. I ummed and ahhed over it but got it in the end. I reasoned that a tenner wasn't a bad outlay even if I can't trade it in.

Bobsticle said...

I didn't think the demo was great either... The games deffo worth an Ayrton though!